Friday, August 20, 2010

Chicken Enchiladas

Cooked chicken, shredded - I buy boneless chicken breasts, cut them into chunks and boil them in my home made stock.
Save the stock, freeze it and use it again and again.
Onion, chopped into small pieces
Mexican 4 cheese mix, grated
Chopped green Chile - not tomatillas
Corn tortillas
Pan of hot oil; quickly, using tongs, put a tortilla into the oil and flip it over quickly, drain on kitchen towel. Repeat with all tortillas.
Now, you can either layer the ingredients in baking dish like lasagna, or put a little of each ingredient on an individual tortilla and roll the tortilla up and then place it in the baking dish "loose" edge down. If you use this last method, you'll need to pack them together closely to help stop them unrolling.
Sprinkle any left over ingredients on top.
Finish of by pouring enchilada sauce over the top - we like to use 1 can of green and 1 of red. Smother with grated cheese and bake at 350 for about 50 minutes.
Serve with with a dollop of crema Mexicana or sour cream on each portion.

by: Erica en Nuevo Mexico

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